Let The Gavel Go Philosophy, Health, PsychologyDan MutterMay 24, 2017Fundamental Attribution Error, Benefit of the Doubt, Correspondence Bias, Anxiety, Kindness, Compassion
Chop Wood, Listen to Water Philosophy, Nature, HealthDan MutterMay 17, 2017Zen, Presence, Stillness, Action, Mindfulness
Shifting Gears PhilosophyDan MutterMay 10, 2017Bikes, Gears, Questions, Beginner's Mind, Zen, Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Sellwood Cycle Repair, Fear
May the Fourth Philosophy, ChiropracticDan MutterMay 4, 2017The Force, Star Wars, Jedi, Yoda, Principle, Green Books