971-645-7576 ~ Portland, OR


Tone & Tension

The bony framework of the spine and cranium serves as the physical protector of the nervous system, but also as a regulator of tension. Tension placed on tissue will change its shape. Changes in shape can and will alter function. From cell membranes to capillaries (tiny blood vessels), eyeballs, muscles, and stomaches, the tension on all tissues and organs reflects how well they can move energy and information. Too much or too little tension leads to disorder, dysfunction, and dis-ease. This is why we recognize the vital and central role the neuroskeleton plays in health.

The nervous system is the means of communication between all of the denizens of the physical body, our knowledge of the world around us, our relationship to others, and our connection to Source. It sets the tone for how we (be/do/have) life. Chiropractic is founded upon the principle of tone and its practice supports the conscious and ecological expression of life.